Thursday, November 8, 2012

El Día de los Muertos

I. Instrucciones: Lee este párrafo (paragraph) y escribe las palabras que son familiares (en otro papel).

La Negra es otra nombre para la muerte en México. También se llama La Flaca y está vinculada con la famosa Catrina de Jorge Guadalupe Posada. 

II. Instrucciones: Mira el video abajo (below) y lee las letras (lyrics).


Cumbia, cumbia, pero que buena
Cumbia, cumbia, pero que rica,
Cumbia, cumbia, pero que buena

Solo existe la alegria 
El baile de los queridos 
De los queridos del pasado 
Mira como baila mi mama 
Bailando con mi hermano del pasado 
Sus espiritus se juntan bailando 
Lleno de alegria y gozando

Cumbia, cumbia (repeat) 

Cierta gente solo puede ver 
Espiritus bailando entre la gente 
Si pueden verlos bailando mis hermanos 
Seran bendicidos entre los cielos 
Mira como baila mi mama 
Bailando con mi hermano del pasado 
Sus espiritus se juntan bailando 
Lleno de alegria y gozando 

Cumbia, cumbia (repeat) 

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

The Pulsera Project: The Pulsera Trip Stories

As you are all aware, we are currently participating in The Pulsera Project at Fugett Middle School.  After just 3 days of sales, Fugett has already sold 364 pulseras!  364 x $5 = $1820!  ¡Qué fantástico!  In deciding to participate in these sales, I was just as intrigued by the beauty of the pulseras themselves as I was by the beauty in raising money for a community that continues to need our help.  As students in a Spanish class, we are constantly making connections to the world around us--through language, culture, etc.  It is through these connections that we are able to appreciate both the similarities and differences that both define us as individuals and unite us as one.

Please visit The Pulsera Trip Stories and choose ONE of the EIGHT stories/essays written by students who were given the opportunity to take "The Nica Trip" and asked to share this once in a lifetime experience.  After reading this story, please answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper to be turned in TOMORROW.

1.  Which story did you choose?  Summarize the story you chose in 3 sentences.
2.  What was this student's perception of Nicaragua before and after the trip?
3.  Which part of the trip stood out the most to this student? Why?
4.  Write 1 fact that interested you the most about this story.
5.  How do you feel after reading this?  Explain.
**NOTE: Several of you have asked about how to participate in the student trips to Nicaragua. Here is the information provided by The Pulsera Project website:

How can I travel with the Pulsera Project? How much does it cost?
Anyone who has volunteered for the Pulsera Project can travel with us. Sometimes friends of volunteers are also invited.

Groups usually consist of 10 - 14 volunteers. Typical trip costs inside Nicaragua are about $800 for 10 days and cover pretty much everything. Airfare is additional. Roundtrip airfare from Baltimore or Philadelphia is typically $700. Trips dates are roughly Dec. 27th to Jan. 7th and July 18th to 28th. Alternative Spring Break trips may also be planned. Students volunteering abroad often raise funds from family and friends who support their volunteer efforts!!
OPTIONAL COMMENTING QUESTIONS:  Read another story and answer the following questions: How was this student's experience different from the other student's experience (that you read above)?  If you were given the opportunity to take a trip with The Pulsera Project to Nicaragua, what would your trip itinerary look like? What would you hope to achieve from your trip?

Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hispanic Heritage Month - Post 2

Remembering Frida Kahlo

1907 - 1954

Español 2 ONLY ( Español 1 Scroll Down)

Frida Kahlo fue una pintora mexicana muy famosa.  Ella se casó con el artista famosa Diego Rivera. Su arte es muy único y distinguido por sus autorretratos (self-portraits).

Mira video #1 y escribe tus pensamientos (thoughts) en inglés sobre (about) el video.  Contesta las siguientes preguntas (en inglés) en frases completas en un papel para mañana (separate piece of paper to be turned in tomorrow):

Video #1

1.  ¿Cómo te sientes (you feel) después de mirar este video?
2.  En tu opinión, ¿qué es una reacción artística?
3.  Escribe 3 ejemplos de reacciones artísticas de este(this) video.
4.  Escribe 1 ejemplo de una reacción artística que no está en este video.
5.  Piensa (think): ¿Qué pasó (happened) a Frida Kahlo para crear una reacción artística?  ¿Qué es la reacción artística de Frida Kahlo?
6.  Depués de contestar preguntas 1-5, mira video #2 abajo (below).  ¿Cómo puedes comparar este accidente con su arte/pinturas (paintings) arriba (above)? ¿Por qué piensas (you think) ella pintó (painted) su misma (herself)?

Video #2

Español 1 ONLY ( Español 2 Scroll Up)

Frida Kahlo was a very famous Mexican painter.  She married the famous artist Diego Rivera.  Her art is very unique and distinguished by her self-portraits.

Watch video #1 (above) and write your thoughts in English about the video.  Answer the following questions in English in complete sentences on a separate piece of paper to be turned in tomorrow.

1.  How do you feel after watching this video?
2.  In your opinion, what is an artistic reaction?
3.  Write 3 examples of artistic reactions from this video.
4.  Write 1 example of an artistic reaction that is not in this video.
5.  Think: What happened to Frida Kahlo in order for her to create an artistic reaction?  What is the artistic reaction of Frida Kahlo?
6.  After answering questions 1-5, watch video #2 above.  How can you relate this accident to her artwork (see above photos)?  Why do you think she painted herself?


Read this article about Frida's Bad Accident and answer the following questions: Based on the additional information you read in this article, how could you interpret some of her paintings (If you need to see more examples, use Google to look up additional paintings)?  Why do you think she painted herself?  Lastly, research (from a website of your choice) ONE additional fact about Frida Kahlo that you find interesting.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

Hispanic Heritage Month

via Sigma Delta Pi
September 15 - October 15 celebrates Hispanic Heritage Month.  Why is it so important to understand (and celebrate!) the Hispanic culture?  What do you think of when you think of the Spanish language or Hispanic culture?  What images and stereotypes come to mind? How have Americans stereotyped the Hispanic culture?

Taken from, please read the following article by the Zinn Education Project about the stereotypes associated with the Hispanic culture:
Rethinking Cinco de Mayo

After reading the article, please respond (in English) to the following questions (on a separate sheet of paper to be turned in tomorrow):

1.  Summarize the article in 2-3 sentences.
2.  What are some of the stereotypes mentioned in the article?  List 4-6.
3.  Is Cinco de Mayo the equivalent of Mexico's Independence Day?  Explain.
4.  Write one fact from the article that you did not know before reading the article.
5.  How can we improve multi-cultural education in schools? List 3 of your own ideas/suggestions that may help to reduce or eliminate the stereotypes given to other cultures.


What have you learned from this article?  How have you adjusted your stereotypes after reading this article?  Have you ever been stereotyped (note sensitive material)?  If so, how did it make you feel?  RESPOND IN ENGLISH.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Twiccionario - El fín del verano

Español 2

¿Usas Twitter?  Para mañana, completa la actividad en el sitio abajo:

Twiccionario - El fín del verano

Las instrucciones:

1.  Pon un círculo sobre las palabras que son familiares o cognados.
2.  Ve (go) a los sitios al fín de la página.  Escoge (choose)  y escribe la letra de cada sitio que coincide con cada tweet.