Thursday, September 27, 2012

Hispanic Heritage Month - Post 2

Remembering Frida Kahlo

1907 - 1954

Español 2 ONLY ( Español 1 Scroll Down)

Frida Kahlo fue una pintora mexicana muy famosa.  Ella se casó con el artista famosa Diego Rivera. Su arte es muy único y distinguido por sus autorretratos (self-portraits).

Mira video #1 y escribe tus pensamientos (thoughts) en inglés sobre (about) el video.  Contesta las siguientes preguntas (en inglés) en frases completas en un papel para mañana (separate piece of paper to be turned in tomorrow):

Video #1

1.  ¿Cómo te sientes (you feel) después de mirar este video?
2.  En tu opinión, ¿qué es una reacción artística?
3.  Escribe 3 ejemplos de reacciones artísticas de este(this) video.
4.  Escribe 1 ejemplo de una reacción artística que no está en este video.
5.  Piensa (think): ¿Qué pasó (happened) a Frida Kahlo para crear una reacción artística?  ¿Qué es la reacción artística de Frida Kahlo?
6.  Depués de contestar preguntas 1-5, mira video #2 abajo (below).  ¿Cómo puedes comparar este accidente con su arte/pinturas (paintings) arriba (above)? ¿Por qué piensas (you think) ella pintó (painted) su misma (herself)?

Video #2

Español 1 ONLY ( Español 2 Scroll Up)

Frida Kahlo was a very famous Mexican painter.  She married the famous artist Diego Rivera.  Her art is very unique and distinguished by her self-portraits.

Watch video #1 (above) and write your thoughts in English about the video.  Answer the following questions in English in complete sentences on a separate piece of paper to be turned in tomorrow.

1.  How do you feel after watching this video?
2.  In your opinion, what is an artistic reaction?
3.  Write 3 examples of artistic reactions from this video.
4.  Write 1 example of an artistic reaction that is not in this video.
5.  Think: What happened to Frida Kahlo in order for her to create an artistic reaction?  What is the artistic reaction of Frida Kahlo?
6.  After answering questions 1-5, watch video #2 above.  How can you relate this accident to her artwork (see above photos)?  Why do you think she painted herself?


Read this article about Frida's Bad Accident and answer the following questions: Based on the additional information you read in this article, how could you interpret some of her paintings (If you need to see more examples, use Google to look up additional paintings)?  Why do you think she painted herself?  Lastly, research (from a website of your choice) ONE additional fact about Frida Kahlo that you find interesting.


  1. If she realy did go through that accident then she must be painting about herself. I wonder if she survived and then painted, or painted from her hospital bed. Did her friend, or anyone else on the bus survive?

  2. in no way do i mean to be disrespectful, but frida's paintings i find disturbing. i find it very interesting that she was studying medicine before the accident. i think she paints herself because she is a loner and finds herself most interesting.

  3. After reading the article i noticed that a lot of the paintings are Frida and ripped out hearts and blood, the paintings are very gruesome and they must have reminded her of the accident. I believe that Frida painted herself so she could, in a way, show the pain she had been through and was going throught to others. She wanted to express how she saw herself after the accident in a tangible way. One fact i find interesting is that during her three year recovery, Frida changed her birthdate from 1907 to 1910, because she didnt want those 3 years to be part of her life.

  4. Frida Kahol was a very interesting painter. I agree with Maddie that her pictures were a disturbing. But i guess if I went though an accident like that i would probably paint that way to. I also kind off felt bad for her that she was confined to her bed for 3 years. i probably wouldn't have made it that long like that.

  5. If I saw a Frida Kahol painting in a gallery I would be both interested and disturbed. Her paintings were disturbing in the way they were about death, but were interesting because she expressed her life and her accident through art. One interesting fact I learned about Frida Kahols painting is that they resembled small paintings of saints that were painted on tin, zinc, or wood called retablos.
