Friday, August 10, 2012

Instrucciones Para Usar un Diccionario Bilingüe

Whether purchasing a dictionary for a foreign language classroom or for personal use, it is important to know how to use one.  Often times, people take dictionary use for granted when purchasing a dual-language dictionary.  I know from personal experience with my students that all users should be trained on dictionary use if it is to be a successful resource in the foreign language classroom (or any setting, for that matter).

Here is a short video lesson from Teacher Tube on how to use a Spanish-English dictionary:

Voices en Español also provides some tips on using a Spanish-English dictionary:
  1. Use a reliable dictionary
  2. Know what you're looking for (verb/adjective/noun/adverb/etc.)
  3. Use the correct spelling of the English word
  4. Do a reverse lookup
Do you have any tips on using bilingual dictionaries? Which Spanish-English dictionaries have you found to be the most useful?  Which online Spanish-English dictionaries have you found to be the most useful?

Monday, August 6, 2012

Skype Pen Pals - An Authentic Experience!

via Skype

How many of you had pen pals when you were younger? How excited were you when you received the letters your pen pal sent to you?  

In today's digital world, we have the ability to have "Skype Pen Pals" and connect with students and classrooms all over the world.  A "Skype Pen Pal," different than a traditional pen pal, communicates with you via Skype in real time and replaces writing with speaking.  There is no better way to learn a foreign language than full immersion.  Since full immersion is not a possibility for many of us, the ability to communicate with native speakers is a close runner-up.  

In the near future (hopefully this year), I would love to set my classrooms up with "Skype Pen Pals" from Spanish-speaking countries.  Depending on the resources available at school, I will see if this is a possibility.  Not only is this a great way for you to practice your Spanish, but it is a great way for these English language learners to practice their English!  Additionally, if you are interested in talking to native Spanish speakers or teachers, tutoring is available via Skype.  Check out this link on how to use Skype in the classroom.

Who's on board?  ¡Vámonos!