Friday, August 10, 2012

Instrucciones Para Usar un Diccionario Bilingüe

Whether purchasing a dictionary for a foreign language classroom or for personal use, it is important to know how to use one.  Often times, people take dictionary use for granted when purchasing a dual-language dictionary.  I know from personal experience with my students that all users should be trained on dictionary use if it is to be a successful resource in the foreign language classroom (or any setting, for that matter).

Here is a short video lesson from Teacher Tube on how to use a Spanish-English dictionary:

Voices en Español also provides some tips on using a Spanish-English dictionary:
  1. Use a reliable dictionary
  2. Know what you're looking for (verb/adjective/noun/adverb/etc.)
  3. Use the correct spelling of the English word
  4. Do a reverse lookup
Do you have any tips on using bilingual dictionaries? Which Spanish-English dictionaries have you found to be the most useful?  Which online Spanish-English dictionaries have you found to be the most useful?